12Johannes Schwalm Historical Association Bulletin Board<META Name="keywords" CONTENT="Hessian Revolutionary German History descendants Journal Periodical publications geneology">


These are men who remained in North America and who have been positively identified as Hessian ancestors by today's researchers.  While certainties of their histories and genealogies are not yet established, the evidence suggests strong connections.
The posting of this information is intended to encourage research that will produce information to to allow adding the soldier's names to the JSHA Fully Researched Registry and enable descendants to qualify for JSHA Certificates.

The JSHA regrets to inform it's readers that this registry was last updated in late 2004 and at this time no one is updating this list.  If you have questions regarding the information that led to this listing, please contact the F&M College Archives to determine if there is any information in their repository on the person listed on this registry,  If you are interested in helping JSHA update this registry in the future, please contact us.

Name Army and German Town of origin; Military rank or rating; Military unit; Source of military record; Personal information and source for additional information, if any.
Boch, Wilhelm Hesse-Cassel; Leinsfeld; Private; von Knyphausen Reg., Co 2; HETRINA Vol. III; Captured at Trenton; Deserted 15 Nov. 1778 near NYC. May have found his way to VA. (History and genealogy needed)
Faulstroh, Henrich Hesse-Hanau; Rodheim; Artilleryman, Artillery Corps; HETRINA Vol. VI-1; Deserted in August 1783 in Canada. (Genealogy and history needed)
Friederici, Karl Friedrich Salomo Hesse-Hanau; Niewisch; Private; Jaeger Corps. Co. 4; HETRINA Vol VI-1; Deserted at Saratoga Oct. 1777 and settled in Stone Arabia, NY; Became Lutheran preacher, married Sarah ? , later moved to Easton, PA to serve churches in that area. (Genealogy needed)
Fuss, Johannes (John Foot) Hesse-Hanau; Altengronau; Private; ErbPrinz Reg., Co. 2; HETRINA Vol. VI-1; Captured at Saratoga; Deserted 24 October 1777 at Nobletown, MA while on march to Cambridge. (Genealogy and history needed)
Glaubenskind, August Franz Hesse-Hanau; Berlin; Private; Jaeger Corps; HETRINA Vol VI-1; Separated in Canada June 1783; (Marriage, genealogy and history needed)
Langkop, Heinrich Brunswick; Kneitlingen; Private; von Riedesel Reg., Co. 5; Claus Reuter; Discharged in Canada; (family history and genealogy needed)
Meyer, Martin Hesse-Cassel; Hombressen; Private; Jaeger Corps. 6; HETRINA Vol IV; Listed as POW but likely deserted at Cold Spring Harbor, L.I. 22 Apr. 1783; Martin Myers webpage contains genealogy that appears to "fit" this soldier. (Record of marriage or baptismal records needed.)
Pfeil, Philipp Hesse-Cassel; Kassel; Musician; von Knyphausen Reg., Co 4; HETRINA Vol. III; Captured at Trenton, returned to service and deserted in June 1783; Settled in Philadelphia; Composed Washington's inauguration song, The Presidents March. (Genealogy and history needed)
Rippel, Heinrich Hesse-Cassel; Roddenau; Private; von Huyn Reg., Co. 3; HETRINA Vol. I; Deserted 26 Oct. 1781 in S.C.; Married Catharine Frey and settled in N.C. (History needed, have partial genealogy)
Ruppel, Konrad Hesse-Hanau; Mittelbuchen; Musketeer; Erbprinz Reg., Co. 5; HETRINA Vol. VI-2; Captured at Saratoga and sold himself at Reading or Lancaster, PA in Nov. 1782. (History and genealogy needed)
Schellhase, Peter Hesse-Cassel; Bischhausen; Private; Erbprinz Reg., Co. 5; HETRINA Vol. III; Captured at Yorktown and deserted in May 1783 at Frederick, MD; Brother of Bernhard. (History and genealogy needed)
Schnabel, Konrad Brunswick; Wangelnstadt; Private; Prinz Freidrich Musketeer Reg.; Claus Reuter; Captured at Saratoga, deserted from POW status in VA 26 Oct. 1779, may have joined Americans and settled in PA and then MD. (An American army record and a marriage record needed)
Zilch, David Hesse-Cassel; town unknown; Private; von Knyphausen Reg., Co. 5; HETRINA Vol III; Captured on ship Triton Sep. 1779 and deserted from Phila. 29 Apr. 1782. (Marriage, genealogy, and history needed)

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JSHA Bulletin Board Page Version 1.5, last updated 7/24/2011