Journal Contents
1993 Journal of the Johannes Schwalm Historical Association
Volume 5, Number 1, ISBN No. ?-939016-??-?
Hessen Cassel Infantry Regiment von Bose, by Mark A. Schwalm. Going to a Ball, or Going to War? The fancy dress uniforms - silver sash with red, gold lace, white tassels, brass, silver and gold accouterments! Perhaps it was considered a sport in those days. The Landgraf Friedrich probably enjoyed dressing his soldiers for hire. When they deserted, which many of them did, all their earthly possesions and inheritance went back to the Landgraf.
The Papers of John Philip Miller, "Hessian Private," by Frederick S. Weiser. An account of the beleaguered father grieving that the desertion of his son lost his inheritance.
Friedrich Henrich Scheer, by Donald Londahl-Smidt. The picture dress description of a Hessian major in the Regiment von Bose.
Johann Konrad Creutzberg, by Anne C. Gilbert. An article about a young man recruited at the age of 15 or 16 contains valuable data of the Charleston saga in the War of 1776.
Profiles - Linss, by Mark A. Schwalm. The profile of Friedrich WIlhelm Linss describes the life of a German deserter who collected bounty land in Canada and tried twice to draw an American pension.
Other Articles of Interest
JSHA, Inc. Leads Cultural Exchange Tour in America for the Familienvereinigung Der Schwalm's e. V July 6-22, 1992, by Ruth Schwalm. Twenty-two cousins and friends of the Familienvereinigung der Schwalm, came to America for their first visit to the "New World", and met second and third generations Schwalms since the Recoloutionary War. They stayed with ten host families, gaining a taste of American daily living and culture. The names and addresses of each person are listed in the latest Journal.
Remembering Hannah, by Melva Schmeltz Vogler.
All in the Family, researched by George H. Schwalm and compiled by N. Daniel Schwalm.
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JSHA Index 1993 Page Version 1.3, last updated 10/19/2004